
At Concurrent Financial Planning, LLC (Concurrent, “we”), protecting your privacy is essential to us. As a financial services firm, we collect and use nonpublic personal information (NPI) to provide our clients (prospective, current, or former) with a broad range of financial services as effectively and conveniently as possible. We provide this notification to inform you of the NPI types we collect, our privacy safeguards, and sharing practices. Please note that we handle all NPI following this policy.

What Is NPI? What Types Of NPI Does CCFP Collect And From Whom Is It Collected?

Nonpublic personal information (NPI) is confidential personal information about you that we obtain to provide financial services or products. We generally collect nonpublic personal information about you from the following sources:

How Is Your NPI Utilized?

We utilize your NPI to facilitate certain transactions with our firm or unaffiliated service providers such as:

Disclosure of NPI to such parties is unrestricted and facilitated by your agreement and express consent, except as permitted and required by law. We restrict access and sharing of your NPI to employees of our firm and only others who need to know such information as a provision of our services. In all other permissible sharing events, companies must agree to keep your information confidential and are not permitted to use or share your information for any other purpose.

How Do We Protect Your Personal Information?

Internally, we maintain physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards to protect your NPI. Our safeguards include measures to safeguard your information before, during, and upon the termination of our financial services engagement. Moreover, we ensure that access to your NPI is limited and only accessible to those who need to know it to provide our business-related services.

Other Information Sharing

As indicated, we may disclose your NPI to unaffiliated services providers, regulatory authorities, and law enforcement agencies. For example, we may disclose your NPI to our attorneys, accountants, auditors, or at the request of a regulatory agency in connection with the assessment of our compliance with industry standards. We reserve the right to disclose or share your NPI with unaffiliated service providers described herein and as permitted by law. In the previous cases, these organizations must agree to keep your NPI confidential.

Future Policy Revisions

This policy may change to reflect updates in our practices, procedures, or regulatory requirements concerning the collection and use of NPI. This document represents our general privacy policy, and as our client, you will receive a notification upon revisions or changes to this policy. If you have any questions regarding our privacy policy, please do not hesitate to contact your investment advisor representative, or you may write to, email, or call us at:

Concurrent Financial Planning, LLC

FAO: Preston D. Cherry, Ph.D., CFP®

Chief Compliance Officer

101 S. Military Ave, Suite 255

Green Bay, WI 54313

Phone: 888-332-2372


We are providing this notification to you following federal and state regulations.