What Your Success Can Look Like

Our clients come to us from all different situations and walks of gfd life, looking to reach the same goal. Peace of mind and Life Money Balance® through modern financial advice.

You are wealth-building with one or dual incomes of above $250,000. You have adult children who are in college or self-sufficient. You have spent your life building financial assets that you hope to be able to pass on to your children one day. You want to be able to retire and have the freedom to explore the next season of your life.

You seek clarity on your retirement goals, unsure of your ideal “retirement number” or when to begin the transition. You aspire to reclaim time, prioritize family, allocate funds for family care, and align your financial decisions with your goals for your life now and in the future.

You aim to have more simplicity and genuine happiness, not more office hours. You desire security in your financial decisions and more time for travel, but find that your existing plan is limiting. You envision a life of exploration, more family time, and enjoying all that life has to offer.

You come to us to uncover your desires for a balanced life. Together, we address all of your financial goals and explore options to craft an actionable plan to realize your ideal life. By getting crystal clear on your goals, we make informed financial decisions that allow you to set a retirement date that leaves you with more than enough money to travel and see the world without working your life away.

You go to work every day knowing that your money is working for you. You don’t have to worry about when (or if) you’ll be able to retire. You have clear guidance on when to make life stage transitions and have a trusted financial advisor to call for anything that arises in the meantime. Your money isn’t just spent; it’s strategically allocated to realize your dreams.


You don’t have to pinch pennies. Every expense, from family outings to trips and excursions, is accounted for in your plan. You live fully in the present, with peace of mind for the future

You are a single professional with an income above $250,000. Due to your success, you’ve made the right investments and receive generous equity compensation through restricted stock units or options. You always wonder, “Am I using my equity compensation to optimize my life?” or “How do I make equity decisions that help me advance my life, not rack up a higher tax bill?”.

Every year you have these questions and never feel like you can find the right answers. You’re ready to act now and optimize your life.

You want to have informed control over your life and your finances, especially your equity compensation strategy so that you can control its impact on your investments, tax planning, and financial freedom. You want clarity and adaptability for whatever life brings your way, from career shifts to new relationships.

You come to us looking for a solution to your problems. We provide education on all of our recommendations and consistently review your financial standing, strategy, and investments to give you that clarity and peace of mind you’re looking for. 


We ask the right questions to get to the bottom of your life goals to make sure you are making the right transitions to align with your goals and get the most out of your plan. We help break down some money mindset barriers that hold you back from certain life planning decisions and uncover strengths that enable you to smoothly transition into your next life stage.

You have more confidence in your financial plan. You see unprecedented growth opportunities. Life transitions are seamless, and your finances all serve your plan. You’re able to make bold decisions, like career shifts and relationship milestones, completely stress-free. 


You comfortably embark on your flexible money plan knowing that you can navigate any new journey that life takes you down and continue to accumulate your wealth for a more-than-comfortable retirement.

You are making or have made income through successful business ownership or a professional career. You have built sizable retirement investment assets ranging from $2 to $20 million. You are ready for the next stage of your life, but you’re scared to make the transition. You are looking for “permission” or a clear-cut plan that minimizes risk. 

You want to take care of your aging parents but are concerned about transitioning out of full-time work. Giving your parents top-of-the-line care and quality of life are most important to you, but you have to navigate the shared responsibility with your siblings and are unsure of your financial readiness to put your life on hold to care for them..

You want to feel confident in your ability to care for your parents and retire from your full-time job. As you reach this new stage of your life, you have so many questions about upcoming life transitions. Your parents’ care, your lifestyle adventures, your legacy considerations. 


All of the money you’ve worked so hard to accumulate throughout the years– you want to have a solid plan for it. Your primary concern is your “exit plan”, but you have so many fears about entering this new stage of your life.

You come to us looking for some clarity on what the next steps are. Should you sell your business? Should you keep working for a few more years and find other care options for your parents? Can you afford to travel?


We ask the right questions to pinpoint your underlying fears. We review your financial situation and help you feel confident in your decision to sell your business and care for your parents, with allowances in place for your occasional travel plans. We find the perfect balance between taking on too much risk and feeling stuck in your existing life stage.


We develop strategies to help fund your well-being first, with solid plans in place to fund your retirement and legacy considerations. You finally have all of your questions answered and feel confident in your life transition. We begin the business succession planning process by understanding your vision for the transfer or sale.

With clarity, you sell your business and embrace retirement and parent care. Your financial worries are gone, and you live life to the fullest. Your once complex financial situation is now clear and stress-free. You can find joy in living your life while having the financial and emotional capacity to give your parents the best care possible.

No matter where you are in your financial journey, we’re here to create your custom roadmap to financial harmony.

How We Do It

LMB® One-Time Experience


Good Fit

We’ll begin with a no-cost, relaxed consultation where we dive deep into your goals and discuss our Life Money Balance® services. Together, we’ll assess if we’re the right fit. If not, we’ll refer you to another firm that is more tailored to your needs.


Good Fit Decision

If our services fit your needs, we’ll give you a customized quote for our services. Once you sign the agreement and pay the upfront fee, we’ll officially begin our planning partnership.



Next, we’ll discover your current situation and future aspirations, diving deep into your unique story and values. Together, we’ll prioritize your goals, gather the necessary documents, and craft a custom financial plan that reflects the life you desire now and in the future.


LMB® Mind Your Money

We’ll then engage in meaningful discussions and review human-focused exercises to help propel your financial journey forward. This key part of our process allows us to ensure that your financial plans align with your life goals and values.


Your Plan

Next, we’ll work together to craft a custom financial life plan tailored to your aspirations and values. We’ll then discuss recommendations for the selected LMB Planning Areas, making adjustments as needed to achieve your desired lifestyle with confidence.



Finally, it’s time to take action depending on your plan. For One-Time Plans, you are able to implement independently. For Ongoing Plans, we guide the implementation process and regularly review for adjustments, ensuring your plan evolves with life’s changes.

LMB® Ongoing Experience

Segment Meetings Phase

Support Meetings Phase

Bring Confidence And Clarity To Your Finances

We’re here to help you find life and money alignment to give your money assignments.
Get comprehensive financial planning and tangible results with:

LMB® Planning Areas

Preference-based lifestyle planning

Essential retirement planning

Protection-based risk management

Flexible cash flow planning

Intentional debt payoff plan

Strategic college savings

Investment management

Company benefit planning

Tax-advantaged & flexible investing

Assurance estate planning

Values-based charitable giving

Tailored equity compensation planning

Impactful salary review & recommendations

Advanced asset protection strategy

Preference-based lifestyle planning Essential retirement planning Protection-based risk management Flexible cash flow planning Intentional debt payoff plan
Strategic college savings Investment management Company benefit planning Tax-advantaged & flexible investing
Assurance estate planning Values-based charitable giving Tailored equity compensation planning Impactful salary review & recommendations Advanced asset protection strategy

LMB® Services

We offer flat-fee transparent pricing. Select the financial advice plan and pricing that best helps secure your finances confidently and live aspirationally.

Invest In Your Life Money Balance Journey

LMB® One-Time
Best for DIY approach and one-time financial advice.

Starting at $6,000 for individuals and $7,500 for couples

Onboard fee: $1,500 upfront with balance at plan delivery.

Meetings: Five

Implementation: Individual

Investment management: none

Fee payment: paid from checking or brokerage account

LMB® Ongoing
Starting at $8,500 

Onboard fee: $1,500 upfront, then monthly.

Ongoing fee: monthly

Meetings: Five first year, then three annually thereafter

Implementation: Collaborative

Fee payment: No investment management: paid monthly from checking or brokerage account

Investment management: paid quarterly in advance from investment account held at Concurrent custodian

LMB® Financial Coaching
Best for fundamental finances and money mindset.

For household incomes not exceeding $250K. 

Our transformational personal finance course is a journey towards wealth-building and well-being education, helping you achieve your life goals and empower your finances.

We host a 3-day LIVE online course, “Use Your Finances to Flourish,” using 90-minute power sessions.

LMB® Estate Planning
Estate planning is less about death and more about love—taking care of who you love and who loves you. Plan for milestones and uncertain life events while handling matters at your passing.

Transferring your generational wealth while securing your legacy and dignity care affairs ensures you control your finances and health decision-making that fits your values.

Our modern approach includes the easy-to-navigate #1 estate planning technology platform, which delivers high-caliber estate documents customized for a personalized fit.

Stand-alone fee: $3,000

Frequently Asked Questions

We help affluent late-stage Millennials, Gen X, pre-retiree, or retirement households. Our financial planning and investment management are designed to serve best:

“6 to 7“ Households with high six-figure incomes earning $250,000+ building wealth towards a seven-figure net worth. HENRYs—High-income-not-rich-yet.

“6 and 7” Households with high six-figure incomes earning $250,000+ and holding a seven-figure net worth.

“7 and 7” Households that have seven-figure earnings and net worth. (or eight-figures plus)

Yes. We find that affluent late-stage Millennials, Gen X, pre-retirees, and retirees who value collaborating with a financial advisor for financial planning services that provide financial advice that looks at your whole picture benefit the most from partnering with us.

Yes. All financial advice and services you receive from Concurrent will always have your best interest first. Our goal is to help you achieve your goals.

We offer transparent fees for financial advice. We offer comprehensive financial planning, risk management insurance solutions, and investment management. You can select one or a combination of services that fits your best interests.

We can immediately serve you in any State in the United States. We are registered in Texas, Wisconsin, and North Carolina, with South Carolina pending. We have clients outside these states and remain compliant.

If required, we can file State registration simultaneously while we serve you. Please get in touch with us for international services.

No. You have transfer freedom unless you select assets under management fee collaboration.

Organizing your investments in one place helps improve investment tracking and reduce anxiety from disjointed accounts.

We deliver better management efficiency and service quality by offering our primary investments custodian partner, Altruist, an ultra-modern, easy-access platform that makes monitoring everything in one place easy!

We also offer custodian services with Charles Schwab Advisor Services.

We can immediately serve your State of residence. We are currently registered in Texas and Wisconsin, with North Carolina forthcoming. We have clients outside these states and remain compliant. If required, we can file State registration simultaneously while we serve you.

Yes, we find that late-stage Millenials, pre and early-post-retirees meeting the affluent, abundant, collaborator mindset find value in our services.

We are a fee-based firm. This means we offer transparent fees for financial advice, risk management insurance solutions, and investment management. You have the freedom to select one or a combination of services. 

We help affluent and abundant-minded Gen Xs build wealth to maximize their lifestyle now and optimize their future retirement with confidence.

  • “6 to 7“ Households with high six-figure incomes earning $250,000+ building wealth towards a seven-figure net worth. HENRYs—High-income-not-rich-yet.
  • “6 and 7” Households with high six-figure incomes earning $250,000+ and holding a seven-figure net worth.
  • “7 and 7” Households having seven-figure earnings and net worth and beyond.

We are a fee-based firm. This means we offer transparent fees for financial advice, risk management insurance solutions, and investment management. You have the freedom to select one or a combination of services.  

No, you have transferring freedom. However, organizing your investments in one place helps you improve your investment organization and reduce anxiety from disjointed accounts. We deliver better management efficiency and service quality by offering an ultra-modern, easy-access tech Alturist Investment Platform. Making it easy to monitor everything in one place!

Have a different question? Email us at contact@concurrentfp.com